I felt "continental" in China. Of course, China lies Eurasia, the huge continent. That I was swallowed up by the waves of people in buses made me felt "continental". That I was in the suburbs in Beijing and felt the sunset made me thinking a lot.
China was great, in terms of its scale. There were a lot of people, a lot of cars, and a lot of buildings. Rather, there was something big. I saw this as a continental life. Yes. I felt that I should send a continental life, not a small life. I thought that I should think big, or speak three different language.
I have to live as a continent. I have to live like something big. I have not to get the details. I have not to fall into a pit. I should be eager to concentrate into my life. My life deserves continental.
I am not satisified with my life, amn't I?
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