Friday, May 05, 2006

Think about my teens and twenties

I am in thirties now. And I have to utilize my teens and twenties for my thirties or forties. What are things that I had done at teens and twenty? I start to think this topic right now.

In my teens I struggled to get my identity. I was indulging nonsense matters, and did ridiculous things, but I was thinking that I want to do more valuable things for me and the world. I had read tons books, which covered various topics, and shaped my thought into my society and circumstances.

In my twenties I was out to the society and I learned the various topics. I learned IT, business management, finance, and English. I hoped that I was able to give the world more value. I concentrated myself to change myself and change the world. I actually intented to make me more valuable and more sophisticated.

My preparation had done. I just do it.

Thank you.

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